Whitepapers / Alignments
The Research Base for Thinking Maps
Learn how the brain prefers to process information to maximize retention, recall, and deep understanding.
Nine Best Practices
Find research-based best practices, implementation tips, and helpful resources for distance and hybrid learning.
Building a Culture of Continuous Learning for Teachers
Build strong professional learning communities and drive progress through application of the 4-part Learning Cycle.
Closing the Gap Between Knowing and Doing
Explore the research on metacognition and learn classroom strategies to support metacognitive thinking.
Thinking Maps support all strands of the science of reading, including both Word Recognition and Language Comprehension skills.
English Language Learners (ELLs) need extra support in the classroom to unlock their learning potential. Thinking Maps and Path to Profi ciency help ELLs improve language profi ciency, build academic vocabulary, and access grade-level content.
Are you looking for tools and strategies to support scientific thinking and STEM learning? Thinking Maps supports all three elements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): understanding Disciplinary Core Ideas, engaging with Crosscutting Concepts, and applying Science and Engineering Practices.
Thinking Maps supports the Learning Forward standards in five important ways.
Thinking Maps Alignment to What Works Clearinghouse Evidence-Based Practice Guides for Math
Thinking Maps Alignment to What Works Clearinghouse Evidence-Based Practice Guides
Thinking Maps Alignment to What Works Clearinghouse Evidence-Based Practice Guides for Writing
Supporting the Essential Domains of School Readiness with Thinking Maps